Saturday, January 19, 2008

Huckabee hurts himself with the "Jesus and Satan are brothers" comment.

Via HotAir commentator tlclark,
Summary: Mormons took real offense to the off-handed statement made by Huckabee, "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the Devil are brothers?"

"Romney was not the universal favorite among my many western kith and kin - a lot liked McCain or Rudy - until Huck pulled the whole “Jesus and Satan are brothers” thing, which is a long standing smear akin to the blood libel in Mormon circles. Since then, all of them have been loyal to Mitt. Mitt should thank Huck. He didn’t have to play the Mormon card since Huck already played it and galvanized support around Romney. Ha!

That one act may guarantee a sweep of the western and SW states on super tuesday for Mitt. There are lot more Mormons out west than people realize and we vote, big time."

So much for Huckabee's campaign strategy! Like he had one.


Anonymous said...

"There are lot more Mormons out west than people realize and we vote, big time."

So are you LDS too, or was that just a mistype? I'm just curious; I read your stuff at HotAir and am always curious who else is LDS like me.

Maverick Blogger© (commenter McGuyver on said...

Nope. Not LDS at all. Just blogging and telling the truth about Mike Huckabee.